Vitae Amor Short Online Course
Vitae Amor Seminars is now providing additional online courses to help you to start living the life you want and deserve. These courses are all online and can be done from the comfort of your home or office at your own pace.
We offer additional short courses in self development & lifestyle from the acclaimed author and inspirational speaker, Louise Plant.
Getting the Life You Want
Getting the Life You Want Are you a person who does now know what you want? Are you a person who does not know their purpose in life? This course explores ways of goal setting and being able to move closer to achieving these goals in getting the life you want. The course is a […]
Law of Attraction & Manifestation Course
Law of Attraction & Manifestation Course We hear so much about the Law of Attraction, though what does it really mean? This Law of Attraction & manifestation course will not only explore what are the philosophies and beliefs behind the law of attraction, it will also give you tried and tested techniques that REALLY work […]
Creating Happy Relationships Course
Creating Happy Relationships Course Have you ever wondered why the very thing you love about our partner becomes the very thing that drives us crazy? Do you know why we are attracted to the same kinds of people? Why do men like to hide in their caves? Why do women like to talk so much? […]
The Power of Positive Thinking Course
Power of Positive Thinking Course If I choose to change my way of thinking will it change my life? How? Why? This power of positive thinking course explores the power of positive thinking and it will show you what benefits can be had from changing our views and outlook on life. Backed up this a […]
I Could Do Whatever I Wanted if I Only Knew How
Do you know what your life purpose it? Do you know what you really want to do? Do you know how to do it? If you have answered ‘No’ to any of these questions then this is the course for you. This course will direct you to finding ways to following your heart’s desire to […]