Vita Amor


Breaking Patterns, Being Responsible for your Feelings

So how do we break our life patterns and cycles? Are we able to do it? Of course we are. We have the power to create anything and change everything. For us to change any pattern in our lives we must first see it. How can we change something we are not aware of? So […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

I am Free to be Me

I am free to be me, I am free to do what I want when I want. I am free to go where I want and to see whom I want. I am free to stay up late or to sleep in every morning if I so desire. I am free to talk to who […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

What do we Need as Human Beings?

When we ask this question I am sure that there could a long list of answers of all the things that we need in our lives. I need a new car, a new job, a new house, a new stereo, a new garden shed. The list could go on and on. Though what these items? […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

Laugh Out Loud

Why laugh out loud? It may be contagious. It might spread. It might fill your very being with love and joy. I may make others around you laugh and smile too. It may make your day pass easier, calmer and with more joy. It may make someone’s day. It may help others to feel loved […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

Give Love

As in the words of Francis of Assisi ‘It is in giving that we receive.’ This is true and especially true of love. The kindest thing that you can do for others is to give your love, freely and unconditionally. For it is unconditional love that can challenge others to grow and love. We can […]

By Administration | Vita Amor


Smiles are contagious. When someone smiles, others will smile back. Smile to a child and see how they will smile at you back. Try it. Try smiling to an adult and see if they smile back. Give away your smiles freely. Feel how a smile feels to your body. Feel what it feels like when […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

Get Motivated

Motivation can be a hard thing to find when we are feeling down. Like all things in life, this is a choice and we have the choice to find and do things that will motivate us. Get up from the TV, turn it off and go for a walk. Get away from under your dark […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

Love yourself

In this world there is only one form of love that is true and is always there. That is the love of self. Other people in our lives may come and go. We can spend time with other people, though ultimately we have the choice as to whether we want to share our time with […]

By Administration | Vita Amor


Hugs are special, we all need hugs. Even when you feel you want to be left alone, go and get a hug. It will make you feel better. Go ahead and try it. The best hugs are the ones are long and tight hugs. Give big bear hugs that let a woman know she is […]

By Administration | Vita Amor

Listen to yourself

Now you have asked yourself what it is that you need, learn to listen to your inner voice. It is also important to listen to your outer voice to. Tape yourself having a conversation with others. When you are by yourself then play the conversation back. Do you talk most? Do you ask questions and […]

By Administration | Vita Amor