Give Love
As in the words of Francis of Assisi
‘It is in giving that we receive.’
This is true and especially true of love.
The kindest thing that you can do for others is to give your love, freely and unconditionally.
For it is unconditional love that can challenge others to grow and love.
We can give love in our time, our empathy, our compassion, in our forgiveness, our smiles and our hugs.
Have the vision to see what others may need.
They may feel hurt and angry and this is the time when they especially need more love.
They may say things to hurt, though people only do this when they hurt.
Give them a loving hug and tell them that “Everything will be alright,
I love you regardless.’
Give it a try and see how powerful this is.
This is not always an easy thing to do for people can be at a standoff point for days.
Push yourself to be loving, the rewards will be great.
Create a loving space, give yourself the courage and the strength to do that.
Acknowledge yourself for taking the leading and loving step.
Give yourself a loving pat on the back.
Remember most of all to give love to yourself, for as you fill your own love cup, so can you share that love with others.